Insomnia MUD was catastrophically lost, a victim of poor backups, a dropbox error, divorce leading to hard-drives being thrown away and a crashed hard-drive on an obsolete iMac.
Many years have past…….MudOS is literally no more. Computing has moved to the Cloud. Nobody plays MUD’s anymore. Yet, in a moment of boredom and piqued curiosity – Insomnia has been reborn using a modern FluffOS driver to replace MudOS and the one viable copy of Nightmare Mudlib (3.3 the worst) that could be found. That and a quick instance fired up on AWS, and already many hours of recreating original genius….
Much is broken. Much is already fixed. Help is needed. If you would like to help, put a note here and we’ll contact you. If only to preserve our infamous soul database for future generations, or just for kicks – all welcome!
See how to connect on the right hand sidebar – but as ever, you can find us on 4000, or use a web-browser and connect to